Welcome to the JSY Giving Special Event Calculator. This calculator will give you a sense of what a special event for your nonprofit might return.

We define a special event as a gala (sit down dinner) or cocktail party where attendees have to purchase a ticket, you get sponsors, auction off items, and raise funds for a need.

If you find the calculator useful, why not help us make it better by filling out this form with your special event details. The equations in the calculator are based on inputs from nonprofits. As we refine the calculator, we’ll publish more about the data and the methods.

Calculation Methods

The calculator does a simple polynomial curve fitting to the collected data. The curve fit on our first 7 data samples was pretty good but like all things math, more data is better.

If I Contribute, Is My Data Anonymous?

Yes. We don’t ask for your name or nonprofit name as you’ll see when you fill out the form. We want to make sure that people are comfortable sharing this information so that everyone can learn and benchmark themselves against peers.


The calculator, right now, only has the size of an email list as an input. We chose this input because we have been asked several times how important emails are and what people can expect from their lists.

Slide or enter in the size of your email list and the calculator will do the rest. You’ll notice that the limits are between 145 and 3,500. That’s because those are the minimum and maximum numbers in our data set. As we get more data, we’ll expand it. Happy calculating!